Whilst enjoying my coffee in Gail’s on Saturday morning in Highgate, I was pleasantly distracted by a family sat in the window seat across from me who were discussing the day ahead with their young child. They had all sorts of wonderful plans for the day, it sounded delightful. The parent, possibly subconsciously, was modelling active listening, turn taking in conversation, maintaining eye contact, and asking questions to further develop the conversation. The child was so animated and expressive when sharing all they were lo

Something I observe in both my professional and personal life is that what children (and us as adults) desire more than anything else is time, and more importantly a person’s presence in that time. In theory,time doesn’t cost anything, but it is the most precious gift we can offer someone. We can’t go out and buy our time. Yes, when we work, “time is money”, so in this regard, time is costly. So surely, regardless ofextent to how costly we deem our time to be, it’s a question how we spend our time, and who with, wh